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Bjorn Lynne

A great artist for  sound tracks and sound effects for games, videos, and more. I first encountered Bjorn's music some years ago while looking for game sound tracks. His album Phoenix - Deep Space Resurrection captured the essence of "space opera". I was hooked.  I've since purchased many of his albums, some of which are no longer published. I especially enjoy his more upbeat and up-tempo albums such as Accelerator and Revive. His compositions have expanded beyond the original "game / video" compositions I first encountered and fell in love with. In fact it's difficult to believe the scope and range of music he composes. From  a personal perspective I hope he never entirely loses his dramatic computer gaming roots.

Over the last few years I've heard his music tracks on PBS documentaries, program segues, as well as on commercial television. It's always great fun to try and recall which album the track is from. Most recently the PBS Secrets of the Dead  episode The Silver Pharaoh featured "The Desert Ruins", which I received on a 2002 Gift CD as a bonus with an order of other Bjorn CDs.  I'm pretty sure that series has featured portions of some of his other music, but I no longer recall which one(s) were used.

His music may be purchased here for personal use:  and here for royalty free commercial use: In addition Bjorn has a sound effect site, featuring over 100,000 sound recordings. His music may also be purchased by track from mp3 online sites such as Napster and iTunes. As of last check, Napster offered 167 of his tracks for online listening, or for purchase singly or by album.

More about Bjorn may be found on his blog site: For loyal fans it pays to keep up with his site and / or e-mails. He frequently makes special offers and fun activities such as "name that track". Some day I'll get a track named by me (I'm just sure of it! :-) )


Misc Music stuff:

Here's some music created with the Microsoft Music Producer. It's rather mindless, but it's a fun tool to play with. I'm sure it has it's uses... for something.